Hi there
I want to thank everyone who answered my recent food questions regarding
reading labels, and corn/rice etc..  You were all very helpful and
I do have another question though...why is it best to feed ferrets more
than one food?
See this all came about becuase I work at a pet store here in Ontario,
Canada and I am working on getting the best foods I can in.  So far I've
convinced my boss (thanks to everyone here on the FML) to carry 8 in 1
Ultimate Ferret Diet, Royal Canine Feline Growth, Zupreem Ferret Diet and
Hagen Ferret Diet (for those fo you not familiar with Hagen's food
analysis you can see it here
I think its Canadian and not as bad as I oringally thought).
Its been very hard for me to convince him to carry this many brands.
Right now I need your help explaining to him why it is better to feed a
ferret multiple brands of foods (from waht I've read online thats the best
route to go).  I'd of course like it if someone could verify that it IS
better to feed ferrets this way and then give me a good 'line' i can use
to convince my boss ;)
And yes not all pet stores are bad.  My store is a privately owned one
and I've been working there for 5 years.
Our babies come in at 6 weeks of age (I'd immediately STOP using a
supplier that sends them any younger) We keep our ferrets in an HUGE 8
foot tall cage complete with hammocks, levels, houses, litter boxes, etc..
And they get their own play time where I let them run loose in a confined
area of the store.  My dad actually built this cage for the store under
my directions.  I hope to post pics soon so that you all can see.
If any customers come into the store and are interested in a ferret I ask
them what they are lookign for in a pet and if I feel a ferret is not the
right pet for them I recommend another pet in the store that I feel is
right.  If they are persistent I will hand them the pamphlet from Ferret
Central and tell them to bring it home, read it and come back if they
still want a ferret the next day.
I go over EVERY detail I possibly can about caring for them.  I easily
spend 1-2 hours on any customer that is serious about buying a ferret.
And NO FERRET EVER leaves my store without a print out of the Ferret
Central Mini-Faq.  I make sure the new fuzzy owners leave with as much
information as I can give them.
ALL of my ferret customers come back and are eager to bring their fuzzies
in so I can see how they are doing.
I LOVE the relationship I have with my customers and unlike other BIG
CHAIN stores that are in it for the money..I'm in it to feel good about
bringing wonderful animals into equally as wonderful homes.
And thankfully I have a boss who for the most part, lets me do what I
feel is best :)
Elizabeth Luc
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[Posted in FML issue 3735]