>From: Heather Wojtowicz <[log in to unmask]>
Ok, Heather, instead of carrying on endlessly, why don't you simply
cancel your subscription, and get on with your life, rather than take
up bandwidth with your rant?
It's clear that compassion is not a tool that you have readily available,
and many of us who have had MODERN FERRET as a companion for seven years
or so, are supportive of Mary and Eric and find your diatribe to be
uncalled for...
Sonam D...
[Moderator's note: In my opinion, Heather's expressed her opinions in a
calm and factual manner.  Posts such as that one of Heather's are more
than welcome, whether or not many of us agree with them.  On the other
hand Sonam, I feel your post is bordering on a flame and it came close
to being rejected.  Please: your opinion is a welcome as Heather's.  But
remember to attack the ISSUES ou disagrree with, not the person!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3734]