Hello to all, My partner and I wanted to tell you all that our very
special little boy Hootie was helped across the bridge at 2:25 this
afternoon.  He had, among other things,adrenal,ulcers, cataracts and was
deaf.  Day before yesterday, he started showing blood in his urine.
Beacuse of bad weather, we werent able to take him to the vet until
today,where the vet said his prostrate was very enlarged,pinching his
urethra and causing him great pain.  We had discussed not putting him
through anymore pain as surgery wasnt an option for him.  He had 9 months
with us...was given 3-6 months and at end of this time was finally able
to eat solid food.
The abuse he suffered before we got him, was forgotten and he knew only
love,joy and happiness with us.  He will always be with us in spirit and
will be missed a great deal.  Sandee?  Can you please show him the way
and make sure he reunites with Beans and Bailey?  and please tell Hootie
we miss him and his mommy and poppy are sorry and will never forget him.
Sue-Genetta and now furkids21
[Posted in FML issue 3734]