i need to say is bothering me...
yes...i do have an afghan up for raffle thru SOS...that is correct...
BUT!!!...i seem to be getting credit lately for afghans i did not make...
there are other kat/kathy/kathryn's out there that crochet...and make
afghans...and donate them...
i feel bad with so many automatically thinking of me...flattered, of
course... but the other kat/kathy/kathryn's deserve their own recognition
for their own work!!!
is there a way all us kat/kathy/kathryn's can get together and decide a
way to "seperate" ourselves? make it so people know which one of us
did something for them?
is my ego getting too big here?...oh dear...i hope not...i just want
recognition to go where it belongs...everyone who does anything should
get their own "pat on the back"...;-)
ok...that's it...
now y'all go buy raffle tickets for the afghan...
and i will be putting up 3 hammocks on e-bay that Ada Gibbs is donating to
help Kristine...i will send those URL's in another post...
HUGS!!...this is great how so many people are helping kristine...who in
turn will help Neen who is also involved in we are actually
helping 2 ppl here...
isn't that a GREAT feeling?! do i call myself so i am uniquely me??? i go back to
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Kollektive [18]
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, Narmy, OldGuy,
D'weezle, Pye, and the biggest pieces of my heart...Sonny, Charlie and
My ferret Afghans!
[Posted in FML issue 3711]