>From:    Kelly <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: $1.00 month/$12.00 year to SOS
>I was 2 weeks behind my FML reading, but I took Joanne's $1.00 a
>month challenge.  I actually did $13.00 through paypal to cover the
>year so I don't have to worry about forgetting.  Why $13.00?  I
>added the extra $1.00 to cover SOS's paypal fees so that they
>didn't have to come out of the donation.  I hope that more people
>step up to the challenge.
i plan on doing my monthly donation through paypal--and if *i* can afford
it, *anyone* can!  (a college student living on a very limited income
after tuition--needless to say, it all goes to the fur kids.)
my suggestion--send $1.34, or $1.37 once they raise postage again.  you're
not spending any more than you would by mailing a check in, but that's
$4.08 more per person per year that SOS gets, and if 300 people did so,
that adds another $1224 to their total donations.
not too shabby, eh?
>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>>Before I found the FML-I felt so isolated.  Who could understand
>>that itwas important to save a ferrets life?  To treat"it" as a
>>him or her.
>I know we don't want to get into animal rights debates here, etc.,
>but I just had to comment on this one aspect of your post.  It
>absolutely *infuriates* me when a person refers to one of my
>animals as "it."
just wanted to state that from readin the above, i know Lisette used "it"
as the non-ferret people use the word... i wasn't sure if you realized
that and were agreeing or didn't realize and were countering.  either
way, i think we're all more or less, in agreeance on this one.  (though i
prefer people who use it to peoiple who can't remember the gender of one
of my babies and repeatedly call him a "her" or her a "him".  (my kids can
gender-identify however they want, but until they give me some indication
that they would prefer to be called by the pronoun they weren't born as,
i'm going to use whatever matches what's, er, down there.)
as for the feline pine, i use it with my ferrets *as a litter*.  i would
not use it for any of my small animals that sleep/play in their litter,
espcially for my rats and mice, which are known for respiratory
sensitivity, but i do feel it is an acceptable choice for litterbox
litter.  the pine shavings, on the other hand, are messy and icky, and i
wouldn't use them.  while i don't *entirely* trust that the kiln-drying
removes the phenol-producing problems associated with shavings, i trust
it enough to use it with animals that don't sleep and play where they
eliminate.  i'll be using it until i move to a climate where i can get
stove pellets, probably.
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3733]