[log in to unmask] wrote:
>Before I found the FML-I felt so isolated.  Who could understand that it
>was important to save a ferrets life?  To treat"it" as a him or her.
I know we don't want to get into animal rights debates here, etc., but
I just had to comment on this one aspect of your post.  It absolutely
*infuriates* me when a person refers to one of my animals as "it."  I
will never go back to a vet who does this, for example, and I always make
a point of correcting everyone who says that to me -- "it" has a name, and
a sex!  "It" is *not* just an "it," he or she is a member of my family.
To me (though I know some may disagree), this is a clear sign of whether
or not I want a person caring for my animals ever, in any capacity.  So
to make this appropriately on topic, I guess it's one big way I judge a
vet when we meet for the first time...
[Posted in FML issue 3732]