Greetings Fuzzyowned People!!
It's been a long time since I posted anything to the list, but I seem to
have been noticing quite a few posts about unexplained watery poops from
the fuzzbutz.  We were having the same problem here with our two ferrets.
Rocket and Shilo would both have watery stools.  Not diarrhea, it was
never 'all' the poops... just intermittent happening several times a week.
Went to the vet over and over, spent lots of money trying to figure it
out.  Well.... the rest of the story.... and no flames please!!  The
ferrets have two water bottles on their cage where they spend about 18
hours a day.  They used to have just one, but someone's story about a
clogged water bottle and thirsty ferrets scared me!!  Out of the cage
they always have water in the bathtub (just a little to get their feet
wet!), and of course they play in the cat's water dish!
Anyhows..... we finally came to the conclusion that 2 ferret waterbottles
don't get emptied out very fast.  After trying to figure out what could
be causing the watery poops since we'd never changed foods, treats, meds,
etc... I finally realized that the two water bottles weren't getting
changed as often as when there was just one!  We tried an experiment.....
only fill them about half full, and empty what's left and refill them
EVERY day.  Guess what??  Problem solved.
I'm not saying that this could be the answer to everyone's problem....
but it was for me.  The ferret's cage is in my son's room (he's 16) but
the whole family is owned by the ferrets and everyone in the house is
responsible for their care.  What happened is someone always thought that
someone *else* had taken care of the water bottles.... because they were
never empty!  Water that sits in a bottle for a few days.... isn't
fresh.... and ferrets have pretty sensitive digestive systems.  I'm just
thankful that it turned out to be something very innocent.... and that
they're not sick!! :)
So, when all else fails, and the vet says there's nothing wrong, I guess
a little common sense goes a long way!!  Just thought I'd share our
little solution with y'all!!  Have a great day and snugglehugz to all the
Katie (I usually go by "Kat".... but it seems that this list doesn't need
another one!!  I suppose I could be "Kat, the Midwest one")  LOL :D
[Posted in FML issue 3732]