>From: chris holley <[log in to unmask]>
>... I have an albino ferret named Sam.  For a while now he has been
>scratching and scratching himself.  He scratches so much that he leaves
>sores on himself.  Can anyone out there help me with this?  What can I
>do to help... Holli
Try Ferretone.  I have a dark eyed white who's fur was so dry and brittle
that when he would scratch, it would break off.  He would also get an
occasional irritated spot on his skin from all of the scratching.  I
religiously give him small amounts of Ferretone 2-3 times a day.  Now his
fur is growing back and is as thick and lush as ever.
Lori, Podo, and Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 3732]