I've been asked to put something up on the FML by Yvonne DeCarlo of
Fuzztek Shelter.
She was notified that 14 ferrets were being dropped off at the Bergen
County Animal Shelter, over by Teterboro Airport.  There is reportedly
that matter of a divorce involved.  Be that as it may, Yvonne went
yesterday, Saturday, to look the kids over, and to bring home any oldsters
or sick kids.  She was pleased to find 13 very friendly, younger, healthy
looking ferrets.  She was told that one ferret had to be put down because
it was 'down', apparently much older and in very bad health, poor thing.
Yvonne gauged the ages of the 13 ferrets to range from about 1 year to
maybe 4 years.  She did not check for ear tattoos so there is no idea of
origin.  She said there were all colors, including a couple of blazes, at
least one albino, at least one "gorgeous" cinnamon girl, and a silver girl
that she almost walked out with.  She said that they were in groups and
getting along wonderfully so if someone is looking for more than one,
here is a good opportunity.
One note, the shelter does not admit to having ferrets over the phone.  If
you are interested, you must go to the shelter itself.  For this reason,
Yvonne did not bother to give me the phone number.  I'm sure it's
available from information if you should need directions or hours.
Yvonne and I both hope that these kids can be gotten out of the shelter
as quickly as possible.  That's no place for such sweet ferrets to be.
Anastasia Kidd (who is at her limit at the moment or else she'd be making
plans to head for Bergen tomorrow!)
[Posted in FML issue 3732]