>I have to ask...Why?  Why dye your ferrets fur, for what possible purpose
>would a sane and rational ferret keeper decide to change its fur colour?
>Is it to humiliate your pet?  No.  Is it to make you look better?  I
>doubt it.  Then why.  Please enlighten me, as i am perfectly happy with
>me albino's and polecat ferrets.
Whoever said we were sane????  Otherwise we wouldn't have ferrets to start
with :) just joking.  Personally it seems like a harmless fun thing to do.
I'd rather do that than try and dress our furballs up in clothing.  I can
just see the fur and cloth flying now.
A favorite quote of mine: Never take living seriously, you'll never get
out of it alive.
Hawk & Patrick,
Salem, Faye & Bandit the ferts
Pyewacket the cat
and Smokey the African Grey
Blessings to all animals great and small and those of us who love and
adore them.
[Posted in FML issue 3730]