Long time readers might remember the story about Maxim talking to me while
Sonya and I were on the phone.  Sonya was so tickled to hear Maxim talk in
complete sentences.  Maxim came to us 2 years ago at the age of 5 1/2 from
a dog/cat shelter.  He had recently been moved into the cat room and came
down with an upper respiratory ailment.  We had quite a time of it trying
to get him well.  As soon as he was well enough he had his huge spleen
removed and had done well to recently.  Maxim loved our vet so sometimes
when we had vet visits we'd take him along so he could see Larry.
Four weeks ago Maxim came down with something, maybe the flu, fever,
severe nausea but no vomiting, diarrhea.  Vet visit didn't give any clues
as to what was going on.  Maxim was on meds in case it was bacterial or an
ulcer and pred for his insulinoma.  Maxim was also adrenal.
Last evening his breathing was very rapid and he didn't want to be with
me.  I knew.  At 10:30 p.m.  placed him in his room on a clean soft quilt
and checked on him several times before bed.  Maxim died sometime between
11:30 and 3:00....
Anya and her companion Culla came to live with us several years ago when
their people were having a human baby and had gotten a puppy.  The ferret
room was to be the babies room so the ferrets.... Even though we took it
slow the move was devastating to both.  Both were very reserved.  Culla
melded into the group but Anya didn't.  Others would try to make friends
but to no avail.  Sometimes I'd find someone sleeping on top of her and
she'd peek out at me with a definite look of resentment.  Anya would eat
her special recipe (she ate kibble too) from a syringe each evening and
morning.  That was our special time together.  She wasn't a cuddler and
when she was finished eating off she'd go.
Last year Culla died.  Two nights ago Anya joined him.
In memory of Maxim and Anya, please hug your little ones and tell them how
much you care.
hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3730]