>From: Roger Poore
>Subject: Moving on but leaving behind
>We recently put our house on the market and, as of tonight, we now have
>a contract on it. Okay, what's that have to do with this list? Well, I
>have 9 of my little ferts buried in the yard. I feel a bit depressed
>that I will be leaving them. Am I a freak or something?
Absolutely NOT!  I've only lost a few animals in my lifetime, and all but
my Bear Ryan were buried in my grandfather's garden (where his own ashes
were spread).  When my grandmother passed away two years ago in February,
without a will, there was a great debate about what was going to happen
with her house.  I was terribly frightened and upset because that has been
my *home* (even though I have never lived there) when no place else was,
and my babies are there.  You are not a freak at all for being depressed
about it...I wouldn't consider you a freak if you decided to dig them up
and take them with you wherever you go.  Bear was cremated (he sits on my
nightstand now) just because I was living in a trailer park at the time
and *knew* I didn't want him there.  He may join Sara (cat) Blizzard and
Grayhound (bunnies) and my papa in the garden someday.  Hopefully this
all works out for you...good luck with the move, and blessed be.
Ellen and crew (Bridget, Brandon, Zoe, Zeus, Cujo, Chaos, Clyde, Grandma,
Smokey, Bandit, Molly-Cat...Missing Cheech and Chong who are with the evil
ex, and Bear at the Bridge)
[Posted in FML issue 3729]