Hi Everyone,
Hope all is well. My thoughts and prayers to those in need.
I wanted to share a story with you.  I work at a vet clinic in Mass.
On 2/22/02 a client brought in a ferret that she took from a friend of
hers, due to neglect.  Before even looking at rocky, I started with the
questions..  Have you owned ferrets before?  etc..
Once in the exam room I opened the carrier to the saddest looking ferret
I have ever seen.  He was very very cold, was not moving on his own.  I
grabbed him and dashed out of the room and grabbed the vet knowing this
guy did not have long to live.  We gave him fluids and some dextrose as
well as warmed him up.  Explained to the person who brought him in that
he was very close to dieing.  She told me she was unable to care to him.
I talked to this person and had her give me Rocky.  I explained I would
try to nurse him back to health, but told her it was possible that he
still may die.  I fed him at work every 20 minutes, gave fluids.  He ate
well for me, he tried to walk that very day!!  See he was soo emanciated
he had no muscles in the back legs all he could do was drag his back
half..  He was fed every 20 minutes for the first week.  He was taking
leaps and bounds!!
On the 18th of March , he tricked me!!  He is in a cage, I let him out and
as I was cleaning his cage he disappeared.  I called his name and he RAN
to me .  Boy, did he surprise me!!!  He is now using the back legs very
well!!  Rocky does not want to walk always running!!!  I had planned to
give him up, I have 14 of my own fuzzies( all rescued) but believe that
to be impossable, we have bonded strongly, and I would fear for him if he
left.He is a very sweet ferret.Sometimes being in the wrong place, works
out well.  This 5 yr old will live here foever!!!
Thanks for listening to me ramble..but I had to share this happy ending !!!
[Posted in FML issue 3728]