I would like to comment on some recent posts....
First, I can't imagine having ANY of my animals stolen!  To me that would
be like stealing my kids.  How could someone just up and steal such a
wonderful part of your life and not think twice about it.  I would rather
have my whole house stolen and my animals sitting outside waiting for me
going "umm...mom...I think we lost our house."  Tony, way to go on
getting, at least, your ferrets back.
As for putting the dog to sleep....yes I agree with the "idea".  I say
this because my dog, a German Shepherd named Lea.  She is 12 1/2 years
old.  She has been with me for over 10 years.  When I was in the military
and would gone for a couple weeks she wouldn't eat....even with her dad
there.  She would get real depressed and not move much.  As so as I would
return she would jump on me, run around, and then be underfoot until all
of my bags were unpacked and put away (I also couldn't pack to leave until
the last minute cause she would have a hard time with it).  Lea is lost
without me.  When her dad and I split, there was no question as to who she
would go with.  Since being out of the military I only have to travel once
a year for about a week with my new job.  She stays home with my niece and
roommate.  They give her extra love and attention so that she doesn't go
into depression....and so far it seems to work for the most part.  But you
see, if for some reason I couldn't keep her, I would have to put her to
sleep also.  She can't handle being away from me for any length of time
and because of her age it would be "the right thing to do".  I am lucky
enough (so far) that I don't EVER see that as something I would be forced
to do.  But I do understand.
As for the ferret coloring!  OMG!  I loved the photos!  I wonder if my
niece would let me do that to her ferret since he is the only albino in
the house.....
$1.00 SOS....THANKS to the people that have written in support...now...
send your money! :-)  Remember "next due date" is April 15th.
Best wishes for Nikita and any other ferret/animal/person....that has to
go through any surgery.  To those with sick fuzzies...best wishes and
remember to give them extra kisses......And to anyone who loves your
ferrets....ok...that is EVERYONE.....give yourself a pat on the back for
all that you do.  Sometimes life is frustrating and sometimes owning
animals or having kids just makes you want to go "why did I do this
again?"  And then you look at their face and you melt all over again....
gotta love it!
Easter Cards!  I signed up!  I can't wait to do this...I think it should
be fun.  I love card shopping and always end up with more cards then I
send out because I just like them all!  Plus, I think I have a surprise to
those that I will be sending cards too....well, you will just have to sign
up and see if I "get" you or not!  Send an email to [log in to unmask]
for more information on the card program and to get signed up for it.
To the Angel Disguised as a Vet......That is wonderful!  See...there are
great vets out there that really do care and want to help.
Thank you all for your support in the recent loss of my cousin Jairess.
Her funeral was last Friday....and it was so beautiful.  Jairess had
picked out songs to be played and what she wanted to wear.  I also found
out that when she died, she was laying in her moms arms.  Her mom gave her
permission to go as a tear rolled down Jairesss' cheek.  Jairess was wise
beyond her years.  I want to share a speech she gave in February 2002 to
her class: "I lived an interested life.  I wouldn't change what I've done.
I've learned from my mistakes.  Live life to the full potential while you
can.  Do not worry how it will all turn out.  I hope that people will live
life and remember me as who I was and not my cancer".  When asked about
sending us a sign to let us know that she was safe with God, she thought
for a bit and then announced that she would send a dog.
We adopted out Flower.  She was the bad biter that I was fostering for the
shelter here.  She is so much better now.  I cried when she left (I don't
know how the shelters do it all of the time).  She is doing great though
with her new daddy.  She is a single ferret and loving every minute of it!
I am so glad that she has found her forever home at last.  She had a
pretty hard life.
I would like to add one more thing...then I will end (I promise)...about a
month ago I finally tried putting ferretone on my ferrets belly while I
clipped the nails....and you know what?  It worked!  Ok ok...I know
everyone says it does...but you know what?  I didn't really think it would
work with mine.  I don't know why...just didn't think it would.  But now
I am a believer.  However, some of them just won't sit still long enough
even with it - and I am pretty fast at clipping nails.  I also learned
that you shouldn't put it on the boys "belly button"...they just don't
like that!  Opps!
Have a great day!
Spice, Pepper, Bugs, Dodge and Kuri
[Posted in FML issue 3728]