>i am single, 32 yrs old and people always say to me why im not out dating
>and going here n there.  the bottom line is i live for my fuzzies.  i
>would DIE without them.  i cried when i read the eppy story.  i cant walk
>into a pet store without crying when i have to turn my back on the ferrets
>left in the store.  IT KILLS ME THAT I CANT TAKE THEM ALL!!!!  That is why
>i have 10!  I cant afford this.  BUT- i took a second job,i sleep alot
>less and have no personal life AT ALL.
Oh, yeah ...I can relate.  My furkids are my life as well.  No wife, no
skin-kids.  Just me and my fuzzbutts.  The last woman I dated once said
that if we ever got serious, the ferrets would have to go.  Ya' can
imagine how that went <What was her name anyway???  Hmmm ... I fergit>.
Love me, love my ferrets !  Well, maybe someday I'll meet someone who
understands and shares my love of ferrets.  Dating?  Going out?  Not
unless you mean 'ferret related' events.
Meds, handfeedings, lost sleep ..  the list goes on and on.  2 jobs?
Yeppers!!  One to pay the bills, the other to keep a roof over the furkids
heads.  I turned down a real sweet assignment out of state ($25+hour, 12on
12off for 30 days, all expenses paid, plus a kicker) because I couldn't
bear to be away from the kids for that long.  I NEED daily fuzzy-fixes!!!!
Last year I lost my job and my apartment.  I cried thinking I may have to
give up the kids.  I could have sold everything and lived out of my truck.
But, WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS ?!?!?!?!?!?  I thank God for friends like Chris
and Dave Mathis at the Oregon Ferret Shelter.  I called Chris asking if
she could take them for a while.  I choked back the tears when I mentioned
she may have to place them.  That they deserved a home.  Her reply was,
"Kevin they already have a home ..  with you".
They allowed me to stay in a trailer behind the shelter so I could care
for and be close to the kids.  I wonder if they know how much I needed
that.  As long as I live, no matter what happens in my life, I don't think
I could ever repay them for their kindness.  I don't know if I could ever
truly express what their kindness and friendship means to me.
Ask me about some of my animals.  I may get reminiscent talking about my
old dog Holly.  I might have cute stories about some of the other animals.
Ask me about one of our Guardian Fur-Angels and you are liable to see this
43 year old in tears.
I can relate, Kelly.  I think a lot of people out there may as well.
Warm Fuzzies ~!~!
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Kritter Crew
~Lacey~Sprite~Cuddles~Java~Miss Priss~Cinna~Racer~Patch~
and Mist the Fer-Kat
Fosters - ~Stubbie~
Guardian Fur-Angels - ~Furrice~Lady~Yogi~Nippy~Carri Jo~Putsie~
~Alyssa~Zeus~Rascal~Socks~Muttley~Dookesbury~Little Boy~
Please see KITY=^..^=KAT's Fur Faces, Memorial for Zeus
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us. Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 3727]