[A tiny taupe girl shakes a baby gate with a death grip]
::rattle rattle rattle.  rattle rattle rattle::
Smoke:  "Yo, whuchu doin' Dippy Do?"
Dippy:  "I'm tryin ta getz da oven mitts"  ::rattle rattle rattle::
Smoke:  "Why?"
Dippy:   ::she stops rolls her eyes:: "
           Doncha know anything?  For da FLO   mission!
           You don'ts keep up on yer messages does ya?"
         ::rattle rattle rattle::
Smoke:  "FLO?"
Dippy:: ::she stops and turns very aggitatedly::
         "Ferret Liberation Organization, Smoke.  SHeeeesh!  I gots ta do
          da mission but mommy won't lets me in here.  "
          whats FLO"....sheesh!"
        ::rattle rattle rattle.  rattle rattle rattle::
[Ping and Pong walk up....]
Smoke:   ::turns to them::  " Don't ask, You don't want to know...."
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3727]