>From:    "Tara C. Radford" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Dunwoody Ferrets Update
>I just want to thank all of you for your Love and Concern.Especially Jim
>Higgins from Widgets Halfway House who was willing to drive 8 hrs 1 way to
>rescue them!!!!
>We are STILL working on this.  They will be rescued.At this time it is all
>i can say.This is NOT an emergency... seperated into larger cages & have
>food & water.People are visiting daily....;)
I am going over today after work. I'll probably take one of the males. I
spoke with Julianna last night and indeed its not an emergency. However, I
know she has been in touch with the proper folks to hopefully make sure this
doesn't happen again. I'll let everyone know the results. My 3 fuzzballs at
home are getting the cage and hidey holes ready for a new brother as they
know I can't resist them. But thankfully Patrick and I had been discussing
adding another to the business.  Hopefully everybody will get along.
However, with Salem being my largest (3.5lbs.) Faye and Bandit are going
to look like minatures compared to this big guy.  Send good thoughts and
energy that everybody gets along.
Hawk & Patrick,
Salem, Faye & Bandit the ferts
Pyewacket the cat
and Smokey the African Grey
Blessings to all animals great and small and those of us who love and
adore them.
[Posted in FML issue 3727]