Wow!  My family has grown the past two weeks.  First the new girls from
MetroFerret, and now 3 who were surrendered to me today.
The girls: Named Lucy and Willow, although the names will probably change
to fit with my group and reflect their personalities.  We are still
debating and trying to get Willow to come out of her shell.  Lucy, not a
problem.  We are thinking Fox or Vixen cause that is what she acts like.
Both are a bit shy and afraid of people, but are no longer nipping and
actually want to play.  Both are being treated for ear mites (along with
everyone else in the family.  Nobody else showed ear mites, but we are
taking no chances).  Once we get some wait on these babies, they will be
in great shape!  I cannot believe anyone would dump these sweethearts!
They got their shots last week and were ADV negative.  They were
introduced to Bear Bonnie, and Clyde today.  No problems.  They integrated
well and played in the room for a couple of hours.  Them, we separated
them and off to their own enclosures.  5 sables.  Boy, a blur of fur is
hard to identify!  Bonnie is the only easy one, being very, very petite.
The bunch: Made a short run to PN.  Picked up 3 new ferrets and two small
cages.  Well, I thought Bear was big.  OMG!  These litter mates (8 months
old), the boys (Mo and Curly) are HUGE!  And, very, um, plump, very plump.
Mo has earned the name Gimmley and Curly looks like a Bilbo.  they are
littermates and very attached.  The girl, well, I am in love!  she is the
image of my Star!  A bit darker on the shoulders and a few black spots on
the chest, but a silver mitt who could be Star, even to the star on her
back (well, it is not as distinct, but is there!).  % months old just a
baby, and in wonderful shape.  All tested negative for ADV today, so will
introduce in a few days.  They get there second round of shots on Monday.
boy, these boys are big!
Bear, who reacted badly to his shot, has recovered fully and has taken
well to the girls.  Well, he has taken to them.  He doesn't bite or play
rough, but likes to use his body to smush them.  They get annoyed and nip
him, and he is loving every minute of it.  These girls are gonna fit in
wonderfully with my group.
Gail and her Giggle of Ferrets
Bonnie and Clyde
Beorn Bear, missing Star of Eris
Lucy and Willow, AKA Io and Fox/Vixen
Mo, Curly, and Samantha, AKA Gimmely, Bilbo?, and Astera
[Posted in FML issue 3710]