We used revolution for our six who had ear mites.  They in fact just went
back for their revisit to check on the situation and the ear mites are
gone.  There were no adverse reactions what so ever.  I have ferrets
ranging in size from just over a pound to four pounds.  I was very
I would not do it again personally, not because I don't think its a great
product.  But because I just can't afford to do six ferrets at a time each
month to prevent heartworm and the like.  Various ways of treating with
ivermectin does the same things for heart worm prevention and ear mites.
It won't get the fleas or ticks, but if you are just worried about ear
mites, there are cheaper ways to go that are just as if not more
effective.  If you are trying to kill three or more birds with one stone
you may want to consider it.  The great news is that there are lots of
treatment options out there.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3727]