Does your server think that FHL mail is spam?  If so, write to your server
letting them know that it is not and that you need to receive it.  Word
is that a few have had this problem, esp. with aol, since move of the
Yahoogroups servers.
Meanwhile, read your Yahoogroups on their sites.  For the Ferret
Health List this is:
>I know that dogs have an age restriction for shipping (12 weeks).  Is
>there a way to get this for ferrets?  I think this would only be a little
>help but then they would have to keep them longer and would make them more
>expensive and those shelter ferrets would look more appealing and better
>for those poor babies.
That reminds me that I am supposed to look at a proposal for a
Mid-Atlantic state.  Life's been crazy around here, as many know, so I
forgot.  In the last few weeks we've had two uncles die, an aunt almost
die, Jumpstart die, the Labs is going away late this week, etc.  Now
Steve's dad is the hospital with a life threatening illness: viral
pneumonia with severe edema.
Anyway, in New Hampshire Alicia and those she worked with got an 8
shipping age law passed through hard work preparing, and by going for the
8 weeks age.  It makes sense to go for the 8 week one because that is
the age MF USED to ship before competitors forced the age down and MF
has already said that they would like that as the age again if it's
made affordable by all having to use it.  The upshot was that the NH
legislation demanding no younger than 8 weeks for a shipping age went
through very smoothly.  This will reduce some health problems associated
with young shipping ages and be worth copying elsewhere.  The NH
legislation page is
but I am NOT sure where in that page the new legislation can be found, or
if it is included in the page, yet, so you may have to just watch for it.
Like many others I sure would not mind having ages of at least 8 weeks as
the minimum ones for transport and sale of ferrets.  Also would like to
see every ferret kit sold come with a good book rather than a sales book
(examples: _Ferrets for Dummies_ is an excellent book, BUT those
out-dated, only partly truthful thin ones are very questionable and exist
more to sell ferrets), and would also like to see kits sold with a bag of
Cheweasels, Foamy fries, or Marshall Chews to help with the typical
teething problems and therefore help reduce kits' chewing of fingers (must
be combined with gentle training techniques that humans don't play as
roughly as other kits so times-out and other gentle persuasions work
[Posted in FML issue 3727]