Tim, I happen to agree about the anonymous postings - that wasn't me.
Anyway, in the wild, ferrets were meant not only to come in season, but
to mate.  Preventing whole pet ferrets from mating is just as unnatural
as neutering them.
Aplastic anemia isn't a myth, either.  It's real, and it kills.  If your
jills are coming out of season without hormone treatments and without
mating, you must have something to teach the rest of us.
You have to remember that most owners don't really understand their pets'
needs - ferrets or other pets.  The people on this list are a notable
exception.  Fixing those pets prevents as many problems with the owners
as it does the animal.  (Such as dumping a whole hob because it's suddenly
smelly and marking everything.)
And don't forget that people get "fixed", too.  That's just as
"unnatural", but I know plenty of people who are happier for it.
Digger, Bear, Fox and Sniffles
[Posted in FML issue 3727]