Monty gave me quite a fright tonight.  We were havin a fast food night
and we gave Monty a couple fries so he wouldn't feel left out.  He took
'em under the coffe table to chow down.  I guess he forgot to chew or
something 'cause suddenly he starts making this chocking sound (kinda like
a cat with a hairball) I was frozen for few seconds scarred to death.  He
stopped chocking and ran straite to me as I was running to him.  He threw
himself into my arms and was shaking like "mommy!  Did you see what thet
mean nasty fry DID to me?" after much cuddling, he heaved a sigh then went
off to have a nap.  Poor little guy.  Well, no more fries for HIM I tell
you what!
Monty (seeking councilling to work through his fry experiance.  Any
support groups out there?)
Amanda (Oh my poor sweet Montyboy!  What did that aweful fry do to you!?!)
"Have you lost your mind?  Better check your ferrets hidey hole!"
[Posted in FML issue 3697]