Well, got the nails on one of Monty's paws clipped, just 3 to go.  Not too
easy a task when your out of ferretone! (mental note: buy more before he
goes on strike!) his nails were VERY long, looks like they wern't clippen
for quite a while before I got him.  He's scarred and crys the whole time.
He's pretty goodthough, and doesn't bite too much.  Both my babies are in
their "cages" Monty because he tried to drag my son into his little hidey
hole.  (He was gental, but dont want him to think that biting the baby is
ok, even gental.  And my son's down early for his nap for having attitude!
I swear he thinks he's a teenager.  I tell him to give monty some space
and come here, he rolls his eyes and does this really defiant body
gesture!  He's down for his nap now, but Monty can come back out when he
wants to (put me in a cage will you, I'll show you, I'll have a NAP!) lol.
Thank you for the advice about attacking the cage, and whoever it was
who suggested that I use a water gun and squirt him, THANKS A LOT!!!!
(sarcastic) thanks to you I have a wild water lovin fert on my hands who
finds the little toy, drags it to me and war dances like a nutball until
I give him a little squirt!  LMAO.
amanda and the amazing Montabello ferrtet.
"Have you lost your mind?  Better check your ferrets hidey hole!"
[Posted in FML issue 3696]