A short while back I posted about the small, bloody scabs Jasmin kept
getting.  A lot of people replied regarding mast cell tumors, but they
didn't look like any of the pictures.  He needs shots again soon, so we
thought we would have him checked out then, since he isn't bothered by
them, he has no other symptoms, and they still looked to us like
mysterious cuts.  Well, today, he came up to me for attention so I picked
him up & flipped him onto his back on my lap - and spotted TWO new "spots"
(added to the one on his back & one on his face).  We said enough is
enough, & off to the vet we went.  BTW, she (our vet) found another spot
forming on his hind leg.  Admittedly, I was starting to worry that there
was something really wrong, but she said it's just a bacterial infection
causing pustules to form, and then burst (hence the bloody scabs.)  Since
he doesn't have fleas, & his cage is always kept clean, she thinks he may
have allergies or something he is more sensitive to than the other ferrets
that initially allowed the bacterial infection to start.  She gave me some
tips on narrowing it down & seeing if this is accurate or not.  In the
mean time, he is on antibiotics & we're making sure it clears up over the
next two weeks & doesn't recur; otherwise a biopsy would be necessary.
Sorry this is so long!
Sterling, Pandora (why does he get to go somewhere & we don't?)
& Jasmin (Hey, this 'medicine' stuff tastes great!  Where can we get some
[Posted in FML issue 3693]