Dear Mom, Dad & Shelter's:
We have gathered here today to post to all our lost Parents:
Thou we are no longer there in your presents, we know we're in your heart.
Remember all the good times we've had, Dooking & stealing all your socks?
Now that we are here at Rainbow Bridge and whole as you remembered,We just
wanted to send you this message.
You lived your lives taking care of us and loving everything we did.
Well, we want You to know much you mean to us for all the things you did!
When you first brought us home, you gave us everything you could think of
to make our life complete.  When we got sick you'd cry and stay up all
night long, and spend all that money so you could bring us home.  We went
on trips to shows and fun games and met alot of friends, who we're always
fun to see.  Just to let you know -
          You Were Always There For Me !!!!
So " You are Our Valentine's ",  you've meant sooo much to us!!
Have a Happy Valentines Day and Kiss all our brother & sister's &
Shelter friends :
With Love & Kisses: Those @ Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3693]