I'm not knocking Petco kits (they are endearingly cute) but I just wanted
to give you some more thoughts to ponder while making your decision.
Petco kits don't come with all their shots.  They are generally too young
to have received their full set (3 shots in all) of distemper vacinne.
The Petco guarantee doesn't amount to much.  Their kits are not guaranteed
to be healthy (quite often they're not).  They won't make sure your loving
pet is healthy, they'll just be ready to let you exchange or return it if
it's sick and within their guarantee.
As for the price, yes - they're very close.  I can assure that the money
paid to a shelter does a lot more good for ferrets in general than the
money paid to Petco or any other retail pet business.  If anything, the
money made by such a corporation on animal sales hurts that animal species
in general because of what it promotes.
Shelter ferrets have had all their shots.  Shelter ferrets are either
healthy or being made healthy (and shelter parents will give you all the
accurate health information on their ferrets).  Shelter ferrets are
neutered (they're generally not trying to increase the ferret population).
Shelter ferrets are endearingly cute and full of personality.  The shelter
parents know their individual ferrets' personality and needs.  They will
help match you up with a ferret that is right for you (they want a good
match and a happy forever home for their ferrets).
I bought two Petco kits in my pre-computer/fml days.  I have since adopted
a one year old ferret from a shelter (the Gimmee Shelter, which is a MaFF
member) I was lucky enough to have Jillie join my fuzzie family.  Whoever
raised her did a better job than I did with my two fuzzies.  She is the
most cuddly and social ferret.  She is the only one who I can honestly
tell people "no, she won't bite".  She is a joy and fills my heart up with
Don't think they you won't be a part of them growing up and developing
their full personality.  In the year and a half that I've had Jillie
she's developed so many new fuzzie traits.  It is so wonderful to see her
learning how to play like a ferret more and more actively and confidently.
All three of my ferrets (my two Petco babies and my precious shelter
girl), I swear have truly come from my heart.
If you're considering two, why not start with a shelter ferret.  It is
much easier to start ferrethood with an already trained ferret.  You could
get a kit a few months down the road (from a pet store or shelter- just
let the shelter tell you when they get in young rescues)
Good luck with your decision.
[Posted in FML issue 3692]