>impacted and infected anal glands.  They have burst right through ,
>seeping, etc.  My ferret is on Baytril for now.  The vet is hoping we can
>take care of this with antibiotics.  My question is even if we get this
>cleared up, will this reoccur ?
Dear X:
You said to tell you no matter what - OK.
If these are the truly the anal glands, this is a real mess.  It would
appear that these glands have been incompletely removed, and continue to
produce a secretion.  Problem is, the glands are not secreting into the
anal sacs, but directly into the muscle tissue (yes I've seen this before
a number of times.)
Here's how it plays out - this will continue to seep and result in
progressively larger areas of inflammation.  You need to do surgery
and as soon as possible.  Because the now inflamed tissue will need
to come out, it is better to do it while the area is small.
I know that your vet is conservative, but waiting on this only makes
it worse later.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3680]