Well as I said in my speech, people are afraid to have their ferrets in
Maybe some though I was making things up or making it sound worse that it
is, well here are 2 diferent stories.
This week an elderly gent called me, they are moving to Cal., have 2 older
ferrets that are on Lupron treatments.  They did not want to take the
ferrets with, they were afraid that if they were caught they would be
euthanized or put through hell before they were rescued.  The second
concern was finding a ferret vet.  I talked about how these things could
be avoided, and that I know people in Cal that could help.
This older couple dropped them off to me with a cage, medical file, a
donation.  They didn't want to risk it.  They were very upset, they loved
these ferrets, which they rescued from the streets.
Yesterday I got a call from a man who adopted 2 young ferrets from me last
year.  They moved to Irvine Cal a few months ago.  They are in a no pet
apt.  They are afraid that the ferrets will be taken away.  They don't
want to try to find local homes or even go through FA.  They trust me, and
want the ferrets back in Nevada.  Well they drove out last night, very
late, dropped off Taz and Spaz.  The wife was so upset she stayed in the
4 ferrets, 2 families, torn apart by a law, a stupid law.  This is the
reality of the situation.
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Las Vegas, nv
home to the outlawed California ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3689]