Hi, everyone.
After 7 years of running the shelter, I was near burnout (well, I've been
"near" burnout for some time) and decided that I should attend the 2002
symposium.  Don't get me wrong, I attended for several other reasons also,
but I knew that if I actually met some of the people I have only known via
email and/or posts to the FML, it would pick up my spirits.  Well, it sure
did that!
Even though it is now "business as usual": people saying that they'll
call/email to adopt but don't, people saying they want to adopt but
without wanting to do much research, people saying that $75 to adopt is
"too much", scheduling adrenal surgeries, facing the possible euthanasia
of one of my personal ferrets, etc., I am not as upset or depressed as
much as I would have been about one month ago.
Thanks to everyone who helped put this symposium together!  Thank you to
all of the presenters as I gained something from each of you.  Thank you
to BIG for hosting.
We as individuals may not always agree on everything, but it is nice to
know that we can meet, discuss things, agree to disagree on some topics,
and still end up liking each other.
This was my first symposium of any kind, and I am definitely glad I
-Mark Zmyewski, President
 Cloud Nine Ferrets, Inc.
 Huntsville, Alabama
[Posted in FML issue 3689]