i have read various posts recently about people who have had to give up
animals for various reason and posts from people who condemn them and
posts from some people who sympathise.
i would like to add my self to the list of sympathetics.
i had a japanese akita, called tishka, obtained from a rescue centre in
bristol, england.  i live in manchester ( about 300 miles away).  she was
left with them when her existing family could not cope with her.
she moved into our home with absolutely no problen and went from a rather
lean weight to being a bouncy monster in no time at all.  we were living
in a house at the time that had a large garden and a sheltered area that
tishka would stay in during the day with plenty of room to exersise, toys,
food and water.
after we had the pleasure of tishka's companionship for about 18 months,
our financial cercumstances changed dramatically through no fault of ours,
and we had to sell up and move to a smaller house.  we could have bought
a smaller house very close to where we already were but we did'nt.
i made one of the most difficult desitions of my life.  i knew that if we
lived in a smaller house tishka would likely not have as much room as she
was used to or needed, so i spoke with my parents who own a big house with
loads of garden and they agreed to take her on even thought they already
had an aged cat tha was totally insane and had a packed in liver.
so ultimately all was well.  tishka did not suffer in any way, she is
treated like a big baby and reacts accordingly, she loves the cat and the
feeling is mutual they sleep together in the same basket every night.
we did move to a smaller house eventually, not in the town that we were
already living in which would have been very convenient for my job and my
girlfriends univercity, no we moved fifteen miles away from our original
home (to a house half a mile a way from my parents to be near to our dog).
would any spineless anonymous posters care to comment on MY commitment to
animals and their wellfare.
p.s. - my ferret Rolo is from a rescue centre and loves living with us.
Alan Bradwell
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power to those who care and are'nt affraid to show it!!
[Posted in FML issue 3687]