... As a napkin!  LOL.  Last night when I went into my fuzzies room to
clip toenails, give heartworm meds, and play, I wore my fuzzy slippers.
Normally I don't wear them into that room because of past tendencies by
the fuzzies to try to steal them.
So anyway, I was clipping away on one fuzzy and I feel a tug on my
slipper.  I thought to myself, here we go again!  I looked down and to my
surprise, they were not attempting to steal the slipper, they were using
it as a napkin to wipe the ferretone off of their chins!  Silly fuzzies.
Natalie and the furry snakes
Katie, Lyssa, and Joey
At the Bridge: Mittens
[Posted in FML issue 3687]