It's been quite a while since I've posted on ADV..  months.  Many of you
might forget that while I have an interest in deaf ferrets, I'm also a
huge advocate in the fight against ADV ..or should I say in public
awareness of ADV.  I am bringing up this topic today because a nine week
old kit is said to have had a positive result for ADV come back from their
ELISA test.  As usual, instead of just looking at supporting the owner of
the ferret through this, instead of trading experience and advice, instead
of trying to trace exposure to other ferrets for their safety... much
emotion has been understandably evoked.  Speculation and assumption have
raised their ugly heads.  So I wanted to come forth... with some facts
about ADV, and about situations like this.
First, in the words of Judy Gronwald (Mommy to White Russian), ADV is not
some embarrassing ugly monster to be hidden away or feared.  It is a
disease that needs to be dealt with.  It kills ferrets just like adrendal
and insolinoma, etc.  So if you think of it on these terms, you might be
able to approach it on a rational and logical level.  For if you approach
it with panic, than you are hurting ferrets and people.  People that live
with ADV ferrets in their lives need support... they need emotional
support, they need strength, and understanding.  They need to be treated
like people that have ferrets with life threatening disease just like
other ferret diseases, no more and no less.  Many people have felt that
they must keep secret their ferrets ADV status secret because of politics,
and because of how others have been treated in the past.  There are more
than you might imagine.
If you find your ferret has been exposed to ADV, or has a positive test
for ADV... I would like to see you seek support and information without
panicing yourself, others, and to do so without anger most of all.  Try
to keep assumption, judgement, and anger out of it.  People will be more
receptive and helpful if you keep to the facts only.  I must implore you
to document things about that ferret... history, sales reciets, adoption
records, vaccine records, vet visits, tests, ... everything that you can.
Why?  Because there has been so much speculation in the past and finger
pointing that people are being skeptacle when an ADV exposure happens and
understandably so.  There have been assumptions before facts were known.
Said positives when they were negative, (and vice versa).  I even heard of
one case where someone said they had a ferret die of ADV when that was not
so at all,,, causing great worry and hardship on all that thought they
were exposed.
If you need a common sense, and quick explanation of ADV, go to my site
that I made for EVERYONE.  It is YOURS to copy, print, summarize, link
to, etc.  Have at it.  The disease is not so very complicated...... the
reaction and how its handled is I'm sad to say.
Please visit:
[Posted in FML issue 3685]