To dontazz, Kathy, Joanne, Sue, Lynn, Kayla, Michelle, and Todd.........
thanks so much for all of the replies, I was AMAZED how many people were
willing to help me with my question (ferret legality in minneapolis).......
You have all given me great advice and I so appreciate it!!!!!
One of you had mentioned "not mentioning" the ferrets to prospective
landlords and that's actually how I got my first apartment with them,
unfortunately I have terrible landlords who walk in my apartment whenever
they want to (well, that's a WHOLE nother problem in itself!!!).......
They came in unannounced one day to fix something and found my ferrets
and the repair guy reported me.  I eventually managed to finagle (SP?!)
them into keeping them, after the $900 deposit.  I have since sent them
the "Tenants right to privacy" information and (as far as I know) they
have not violated my privacy I will definitely keep all of you posted as
to what happens in the next few weeks, with the "new" place!
Thanx again everyone-----
[Posted in FML issue 3685]