Concerning issues with Vets, the Banfield Animal Hospital next to Petsmart
on 4379 Guide Meridian St., Bellingham, WA is a winner for me.  They were
supportive from the first time I brought the ferrets in until the last.
UrthWhyte had already been in for seizures, and this time he refused sugar
water, fluids he needed so very much.  He was clearly in pain, it wasn't
going to stop for long if it did ever, it was time for him to go.  They
let me pay before seeing him the last time, so all I had to do was hold
him the last time and leave.  In a terrible situation for me they handled
it decorum followed by a sympathy card some days later.  The last time for
me to visit was a few months later to bring in Roga Mae who had fallen
asleep in the night and never woke up, never would.  One of the tech's
hugged me in sympathy, and that's very much what I needed at that time.
I'm sure there are other fine vets in our area, I simply didn't have the
Before I moved here, I had a Dr. in Seattle who was wonderful and helped
recover Ali's eye when he happened to puncture it.  The office was also
supportive when I brought Mae in for being 'tired'.  Well, her pepper-grey
haired sable coat qualified her as a 'granny', and after checking the Dr.
reported she was doing fine for her age.  I regret I can not name the
business, but they gave Ali the benefit of his eye, and they were a
comfort during my visits in panic and distress.
Other visits to other vets in another state fade into memory, but they
were good visits that I recall.  I'm glad I went to vets recommended by
friends with pets in the areas I lived at the time.
I could not handle the stress of seeing someone and their pet companion in
distress... worse yet, parting company for the last time.  There are those
who do with professional decorum and compassion.  With tears and intensely
painful memories, I thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 3680]