Hello list,
I have 2 ferrets.  They are brother & sister and will be 20 weeks old.
The female is a Cinnamon & The male is a Sable.  He is the one I have just
about had it with!  Do not get me wrong I love them both very much and
have never yelled or laid a hand on them but I am at my wits end with him.
It is about the litter training thing.  I had a problem since day one.
But after awhile he got the hang of it in his cage.  Than the one room
came.  At first problems than ok.  Than they felt the one room was not
good enough for them so now they have control of the whole upstairs.  The
litter training was iffy at first but he caught on.  Now it seems for the
last 2 weeks he will go where he wants.  I have tried the treat reward and
monitoring him & picking up every hour and placing him in box but nothing
works.  He uses his box in cage with no problem.
I have put blankets in corners he has gone but he goes right on top of
them!!  Than yesterday was the final straw.  I have a little rubber
bouncing ball that I thought would be something different to play with.
Although each time he got it he wanted to go take it into hiding.  That
would be a no no because he would eat it.  So after a few times of taking
it away and bouncing it again and so on he was starting to through a hissy
fit because I would not let him take it away.  Well mama put it up and
when he realized he was not getting it back he looked at me, backed up
and did his business!!  What is that all about!?!?!?!
I know he knows what & where the box is.  He has used many of times.  He
will usually go by the litter box but not in it.  Now my female I have
no problems with.  I know he gets very jealous when he feels he is not
getting all the attention.  How can I change his attitude and get him to
use the litterbox?
Thank you for any advice.
Harley (devil) & Whiskey (angel) :0)
[Posted in FML issue 3685]