Well, I got back at midnight last night/this morning (2/3/02) from Ferrets
2002.  Wow.  What else can I say?  On Friday to hear Drs. Purcell &
Williams and Bob Church again, to listen to Dr. Stevenson on ADV and the
strains of it, then Saturday to hear the marvelous Randy Belair, my
adopted daughter tell the rescue story of the Germain ferrets, to listen
to Alicia Drakiotes, hear Julie Fossa list the items needed for shelters,
Troy Lynn, Judy Gronwold, Dr. Bill Sadler, and then Rebecca, aka Wolfy
Stout tell of Rocky and Sean, and finally (last but definitely NOT least)
on Sunday CJ Jones and Jeanne Carley-my mind is in overload.  For anyone
who missed all this, I wish there was a way to send all this information
to you from cyberspace.  Jeanne Carley's presentation had people
fluctuating between shaking their heads, growling with anger, and
dissolving in laughter at the ferret pictures with her captions.  Alicia
Drakiotes and what she's done-madam, I stand in absolute awe of you!  And
Randy, there is a special place for you in heaven at the Rainbow Bridge,
never fear that, my dear and wonderful friend and child.
To see all the veterinarians in the attendees was wonderful, especially
Dr. Hanneke Morrman from the Netherlands-a vet who works with ferrets, and
a large number.  I have to tell you folks, she dispelled a myth-European
ferrets are no healthier than our kids here in the United States.  I had
the honor of speaking with her before Saturday's talk, and she's so very
In between all the talks, tears, seriousness, on the evening agendas were
the silliness.  Ah, Judy Cooke-I felt like a college experiment in "How
many people will fit in this bathtub"!  BIG and Helen, it was a hoot
having you in there with us!  I laughed my head off.  My roommates-Marsha
Crowell and Wolfy!  What a blast.  And Wolfy at the restaurant-dear Lord I
thought the man at the other table thought he was on Candid Camera.  To
meet Georgia, the left coast one, Judity White, Renee Downs........... I
can't even begin to list them-to see Betty (and her blur of fur) and her
husband again was such a delight I can't tell you.
I could go on and on and on, but hope you all get the picture.  It was
wonderful.  Bravo symposium committee!
But I was so glad to get home to my kids and smell the fuzzies again.
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and
 taste good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 3685]