This is kinda off topic, but what the heck.  Everyone is taking about
ferret sightings, ,well my roommate is a video game fanatic.  Recently
he downloaded this thing from the internet that allows you to create your
own RPG (roll playing game).  You can scan in pictures and things and
create your own towns and monsters, etc.  Well, he took a baby picture of
our youngest ferret, Jewel and turned her into an defeatable monster.  In
the game you have to give her a treat before she'll leave.
Anyhow, that's all.  And I'm glad that Eppy is back.
Hugs to all the fuzzies out there.
Cynthia, Tifa, Padme, Selphie, Jewel, Waffle, and Eggo
[Posted in FML issue 3680]