This will be a two part post, too lengthy to post in one.  [Combined
into one.  BIG]
Once again I find myself answering to the mysterious anon poster.  There
is a line, ( a great big thick one) that separates collectors from
rescues.  As much as BIG tries to keep the peace, I feel this post was
most definitely accusatory in nature.  Considering the source however,
I'm not surprised.
First, these insinuations are not based on any fact whatsoever.  Those of
you that have done your homework and researched my postings on the FML
will find the truth about my rescue efforts; that includes the positive
and the negative.  If you ask me, the red flag should be raised and waved
frantically when you hear NOTHING negative about a shelter .
Incidentally, I would like to know why it disqualifies me as a shelter
because I was considering moving from the country.  This was a remark made
by "Sirron" regarding a former post.  My rescue effort existed for a year
prior to the problems I had last summer.  Yes, I moved to a TEMPORARY
situation last year (renting) to escape a bad relationship.  One of my
ex's issues at the time was the fact that I was doing rescue and I
refused to stop because he did not approve.  I moved in with some friends
temporarily.  There was nothing specific in their lease about ferrets, so
they agreed that they could move in as well.  The situation did not work
out and ended with my so called friend making a stink to their landlord
about the ferrets, thus having everyone tossed from the house.  I returned
to my home, which I OWN, not rent and my ex-S.O.found an apartment.
Everything worked out for the best for myself and the ferrets.  Yes, I
was considering moving out of the country and it would have been way too
stressful on the kids to take them with me.  My reasons for considering
this move are personal and will not be subject to debate on this or any
other forum.  It would be irresponsible, to say the least to take on the
responsibilities of an animal rescue living in a renting situation.  Do
I adopt ferrets out?  Yes I do, but only when it benefits the ferrets.
Additionally, the initial placement is temporary for 90 days and is
finalized only if everything is working out.  It is my opinion that
ferrets have very fragile personalities and not all adapt well to new
environments and people.  Many of the ferrets that come to me have special
situations and remain permanent residents because it is in their best
interests.  That does not make me a collector and above all, I DO NOT
BREED FERRETS or any animal because I believe that too is incredibly
irresponsible and defeatist to the rescue cause.
Additionally, I only keep a number of ferrets that I can manage by myself.
By manage I mean that I have the time to give them the quality of life
they deserve with plenty of play time and love.  My kids DO NOT spend day
after day in a cage.  Because I don't enlist the help of volunteers, does
this disqualify me as a rescue?  Does it make my effort less because I am
not a "big name" in the ferret community?  I choose to stay out of the
politics of rescues.  That's not what it's all about.  No, my rescue is
not open for anyone to randomly walk in and judge the operation.  Can I
give references on how my operation is run?  Of course I can, although it
may not be from volunteers as some people seem to be looking for.  I am
very fortunate that I received enough help to get me through this trying
time from generous ferret folks that know my efforts are sincere.  Many of
you are also aware that even though I myself do rescue, I also help out
other rescues in need when I can.  What exactly is the difference between
a rescue and shelter anyway?  It seems to me that all of this terminology
has been invented as we go along to make everything politically correct.
If I am wrong, I welcome correction.  Because I don't have a number with
Uncle Sam or I am not registered as 501c3 does this mean I don't rescue
and help ferrets?  Of course not.
For anyone that questions my efforts, here is the history.  I've had
animals all my life.  Growing up, our house was a haven for unwanted
animals until homes could be found.  I also have experience with wildlife.
One month after we bought our house, we bought two pet ferrets.  Freed
them actually, from a bad pet store situation.  It was not long before I
learned that there were more ferrets needing help than there were hands
and hearts to help them.  I also learned that ferrets being given away
were possible targets for those people with large snakes to feed.  This
was all of the inspiration I needed to make room for these needy furkids.
Before I am accused of "hiding " anything else, I will let you know that
I also have reptiles, and that includes two snakes.  One of these was
rescued from the breeder who was going to give him the flush because of
a kink in his neck.  The ferrets in my rescue have come in for a variety
of reasons.  Mostly unwanted by the owner and some whose number was up at
the S.P.C.A.  I also have foster ferrets.  These are ferrets that were
considered unadoptable by a shelter due to illness and came to me to live
out their days with the quality of time, love and medical treatment that
they deserve, illness or not.  I am also working with a sweet little deaf
girl who has overcome a nasty biting habit and is gradually learning sign
language.  This has been a learning experience for both of us.  I, myself
am constantly disgusted by those "shelters" that are involved in rescue
for nothing but personal gain and notoriety, padding their own pockets
with the donations they receive.  Call me na=EFve, but I have always
thought the best of people involved in animal rescue and never thought I
would see this kind of behavior along with the back stabbing that goes on.
Particularly in the state of MD.  The ferrets are the ones that are hurt
in the end and it's disgraceful.
I have no problem answering legitimate questions by people that don't hide
behind the anonymous post.  Incidentally, this alone raises red flags with
me and I would question your ethics since you refuse to identify yourself.
Kim and da fuzzbutts at
Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue & Respit
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3685]