>My question: I called Avecon last week about something else.I talked to a
>Dr there/ I asked how long after exposure should one test.He told me it
>takes at least 6 weeks to show up.Doesn't this PROVE her 9 week old baby
>got it at Marshall Farms?????  She's only 9 weeks!  If it takes 6 plus
>weeks to show up then it was NOT exposed at the Pet store.  Will someone
>Please comment????
The test can detect antibodies to the virus at two weeks after infection,
according to the Avecon website.  And there is always the chance for a
false positive.  I strongly recommend that the baby ferret be retested
to make certain of the diagnosis.
Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.
[Sukie (FHL co-moderator note: Yahoo is hung right now, but there may be
more vet messages on this topic there, so check the messages at !
I hope that if this turns out to be a false positive that such info is
trumpeted every bit as loudly and widely as the panic has been by the
folks who are now panicking, plus I hope that if it not false that the
folks who got the dating wrong -- TWO weeks is right while SIX weeks is
wrong -- also send a correction right away on such errors to everywhere
they wrote including here!  This discussion is very painful for all
moderators anywhere since panic tends to lead to very false assumptions
all too easily and the general ferret rumor mill can be destructive.
There are not even reliable test results, yet, so let's not freak out
anywhere and cause harm with still-groundless rumors.  OH, and I hope
that Wolfy -- who has a website on ADV -- adds some general FACTS she has
on ADV in general to the FML to also calm folks with something factual.
The VETS and other experts say that there is nothing that gives cause for
panic at this point.]
[Posted in FML issue 3684]