Especially those of you living in or around BROOKLYN area, there is a
group of fuzzies that need some help.  Their mommy is going to have to
have surgery, and w/b unable to care for them, due to hospitalization, she
has one that needs to be fed by hand x 4 daily, and already very thin.
She is willing for a no kill shelter, and would be willing to have him
back after she has recuperated.  She also has others that are on meds x2
daily.  She has asked for my help, but i live in Wisconsin, i do have her
phone number and address, as well as email.  PLEASE IS THERE SOMEONE WHO
CAN HELP THESE BABIES??  I am working straight through till Saturday
again, so am unable to travel any long distance, to pick them up, afraid
that i would be white knuckling it through Brooklyn as it is, as well as
on the highways.  This woman is pleading for some help.  i had put her
in touch with another person, previously, but apparently they have been
unable to help her @ all, or something would have been done by now.
here is her email address: time is of the essence, sincere inquirys only
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Can we help these babies somehow!!!???
Eppers, the wayward weasel...home @ last...
[Posted in FML issue 3684]