Smokin' Toady: Hello der Bug boy!
Ping: Oh Smoke, you are so goshe.
Laddie: (Irish accent) Step aside boys, you both are a falterin' now.
Doodlebug has such a nice Irish ring t'it now, don't ya know.
Rocky: A brudder in law?  Oh boy :: falling over grabbing back legs and
thrashing side to side:: I'm so e-sited!  I wanna brudder.  Oh I want hiz
Pong:   ::Prances in with great royalty and the others part the way::
I think this possible union is a good thing.  Our sister deserves
everything in dis world.  I have been following your story Doodlebug,
and you do all of us ferret proudly.  You have helped SOS, and you have
represented us in the mainstream public.  What an accomplishment.
Ping: There are other contenders however, Pong.  Ozzie, Stanley, Toby the
Smokin' Toady: Cha right,,, and some Florida dudes, some Georgia peaches,
Eddie, some baby named Booboo bear ..  I hear he still hasn't resurfaced
from her last advances.  She sent valentines to the whole McFarlane crew!
Wheres da Italians I ask ya, ya know what I mean?  ey!
Ping: Some respect here, Smoke!  Please!  You're just jealous because
you're the Omega.  Seems like Doodlebug has been the only serious proposal
here, so it should be considered.
Pong: I agree with my Beta.  Doodlebug, I'm honored you would even
consider such a proposal of our beloved gentle sister.
The Carpet Shark Pack
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[Posted in FML issue 3707]