For all where we are in the middle of discussions of one kind or another
or discussing ferret projects: I will not be mentally coherent for some
weeks to come.  Just wanted to warn you all.
The animal exposition in Arlington Heights, Il?  is only 2 weeks away-
March 15-17, and will be 16 hour minimum a day between the drive, set
up,12 hour day there selling and informing thousands of people a day, the
close, and drive home---in addition to hours of ferret care and kisses at
home.  Yes-of course, I have a pet sitter {at $60 a day} for the mob- so
my babies get better care than the less than minimum I will be able to
I have two dear friends who have always been there for me.  Both are
suicidal.  One is going into hospital today to save himself, and I will
be visiting nightly as I am able.  For you youngsters:Years of constant
never ending pain makes you physically and spiritually exhausted, and
leads to chronic depression for many.  You become weak, cannot work out
to feel well.  It is hard to fight off suicidal thoughts.  It really is.
Especially for those who cannot find God in their lives.
The other is mother of 2 small children.  Husband just hit her with news
he is dumping her in ruthless manner, and is creating ugly havoc all
around.  Very suicidal---sitting on the train tracks waiting for the
train last night.
And I am back to pain mode again, and can barely turn my head.  Back ..
with visits to wondrous chiropractor again.....while on full time schedule
short one key person who had to move with hubby.
I just will not be here metally for some weeks now.  Wanted to warn you
all, so no one is offended.
[Posted in FML issue 3707]