Hi Laura (and list).  I'm happy to report that Ipo and Niho are getting
along very well here so far.  They've eaten, drank, pooped, played,
cuddled, and slept; in other words, they're being normal ferrets.  We
still have a lot of getting to know each other to do, but so far they have
been well behaved and sweet.  We are so glad to have them here, thank you
so much for allowing us to adopt these wonderful babies, Laura.  I know
how hard it was for you to give them up.
My original two seem to be accepting the new girls easily, maybe because
Ipo and Niho came with so many cool toys and an awesome cage.  They had
to commandeer the newbie's cage as soon as it was set up, but the newbies
didn't mind, they were already curled up in the bottom of the original
two's cage.  I could not imagine introductions going more smoothly, it
amazed me.  Within a half an hour, they all acted as though they had known
each other all their lives, not one bottlebrushed tail or a single hiss to
be found.  Just lots of exploring, followed by a wrestling match and then
bedtime.  Anyway, thank you Laura, you did a wonderful job of raising
these girls, they are perfect ladies.  We will try to take some pics and
as soon as I can get them developed, you'll be the very first to know.
B. Smith, with Sunshine and Gator, joined Saturday evening by Ipo and Niho
[Posted in FML issue 3683]