Dear FMLers,
My inbox is full of sweet condolences, and I cannot thank you enough.
I will respond to each of you seperately, but it will take time and I
wanted you to know that I am appreciative.
Yesterday we picked up Ziggy's remains.  (We had him cremated) It was an
odd experience, as I realized when I was handed the little box that what
is inside is not my sweet Ziggy.  He is, indeed, at the Rainbow Bridge.
My heart still aches and tears come all too easily, but I tell myself not
to be selfish -- I wouldn't want him here if he was still in pain.  And,
I think he'd want me to put all my love and fuzzy knowledge into taking
the best possible care of Baby, Bilbo and Frodo.
They, on the other hand, are doing well.  Bilbo and Frodo only knew
Ziggy for a short time and we kept them seperated because of their age
difference.  Baby shared a cage with Ziggy for two years, but she moved
in with the kits when they joined the family, so as not to stress Ziggy.
She knew he wasn't feeling well and we let her say good-bye on his last
night on Earth.  They are all getting lots of love and so am I.
Again, thank you all.  I never thought I'd be able to bare my heart and
soul to strangers... but I've learned in the short time I've been on this
list that ferret people are not strangers.  (Maybe strange sometimes, but
certainly not strangers) :) You are the only ones that truly understand
the emotions I'm feeling, and I am blessed for having so many ferret
loving friends.
With love and gratitude,
Baby, Bilbo & Frodo
Missing Ziggy -- bless his little soul -- who waits at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3704]