I guess that most people on this list really enjoy their ferret or
ferrets, and care well for them.  Some of us cook every meal for our
little ones, and take them shopping with us, and to the woods and the
Some of us do beyond what most of us would do.  Never say die, never give
up.  Wheel chairs for the hind legs, daily massages of the tummy after
every meal, surgeries for our ferret every half year or less for
insulinomas.  Someone here goes beyond the most.  The dedication and love
for this being called ferret is a real, tangible powerful force.
My tears fall for your loss of your shy little one: Jumpstart.  Even
knowing you did all that was possible for him does not stop the pain.
It is something that has to somehow be lived through.
You are one of the most valuable beings on this list in my opinion for
some very valid reasons.With all of your dedication, and thoughtfullness,
and concern for the ferret--you know that if God could let any ferret live
forever--- Jumpstart would have been right up there on the top of His list.
God Bless you, tiny Jumpstart-who is with God now; and ALL of you who have
lost your babies.
[Posted in FML issue 3703]