About a week back I was describing some surgery one of our stinker, ah,
ferrets was going through.
He had about 12 inches of intestine removed due to post operative
infection.  This was last Saturday.
I'm pleased, I think, to announce that on Monday, the vet called to say:
He's ready to come home.  He's pulling his IV tubes and beating his
kennel to bits.
Yes, he is definitely doing a lot better.  He's on some antibiotics, and
after a week, he is still doing well.  Sometimes a bit too well, as he
tends to tire himself out.  However, there is definite improvement, and
we should be getting a few more miles out of him.
Just a reminder to watch your critters very carefully after surgery.  We
'knew' something was not right after the first round, but it took a few
days for any measurable symptoms to show up.  By then, it may well have
been too late.
Go with your instincts and make sure your vet follows up on them.  No one
knows their critters like the owners.
[Posted in FML issue 3703]