[Didn't seem particularly off-topic to me.  BIG]
Last night I sat there in tears watching, I believe it was 48 Hours.  They
where doing the story on one of the men that tried to over take terrorists
on flight 93.  Specifically the story was on his wife who was 7 months
pregnant at the time and she had just had the baby, "Morgan".  Her daddy's
middle name.  Previous to that I was watching the report confirming the
death of the Wall St. reporter.
The reason I am writing this is because it is such a crazy and horrific
time in this world and well it was nice to see everyone pull together at
Ferrets 2002 and also to see out ferret community pull together whether
it is ferret related or not.
My heart goes out to this Mother now raising three children by herself.
In one instance her life has been forever changed.  I ask you all to
appreciate the moments because you just never know when....
My heart also goes out to the all the other Mothers and children that have
been left behind.  It just makes me appreciate what I have just that much
more.  My problems seems a little more pity.
Live each day to the fullest
Give your fuzzies a big hug and kiss
Remember next time you step in something warm and smoochy think of it as
a poop of love.
Take bicker off line, better yet is bickering worth the time?
Try to appreciate your loved one the beauty around, other words take
time and smell the roses.
God bless us all.
Lisa and her 24 Paws
[Posted in FML issue 3702]