I am in dire need of some advice here.  3 ferrets in 1 cage.  1 poops
where she should the other 2 poop right next to the litter box (no, this
is not close enough).  Someone explain to me what the prob may be!!  This
is driving me crazy!  The two repeat offenders are pretty young and have
been potty trained before!  I just can't understand why...after a week
their litter has to be changed 'cause there is no odor control where they
are pooping.
Question #2) The good girl who poops where she should is puking or maybe
hacking up undigested food.  She is probably about 6-7 years.  She eats
nornal.  I give her hairball remedy and this doesn't help!  Any thoughts
on these two Q's will be greatly appreciated.
Lisa & Erick
Peanut, Emmie & Smokey
[Posted in FML issue 3702]