Dear Ferret Folks-
It occurs to me that in anthroplologic terms we represent a distinct
sub-culture.(I took anthropology in college.  Anthropologists get to wear
Birkenstocks to work, and collect shrunken heads and other cool stuff. )
Like any and all sub-cultures, we use our own highly idiomatic jargon
when posting to each other, a specialized language.  We must have some
pretty bizarre conversations by non ferret slave standards.  We talk
about 'dooking', 'carpet-sharks', 'speed-bumps' and 'woozlekisses'.
'Fuzzbutts', 'hammies', and 'fur-snakes'.  Makes sense to us, completely
baffling to the rest of the world.
Could I perhaps have some help compiling a list of these terms?  There
must be some wanna-be etymologists out there in weasledom...(etymologist:
a word freak, generally a variety of brainy nerd physically abused in
school.  Good at Scrabble.) I think that we deserve our own dictionary,
don't you?  I love words.
Hey!  I just got a woozlekiss from the fuzzbutt my husband dumped on my
shoulder!  (Under the Taliban, you could be arrested just for SAYING that
out loud.)
Alexandra (From the Gk. 'Iskander', a helper of men)
in Massachusetts
[Posted in FML issue 3702]