The category it is currently in appears to be this one:
Clothing & Accessories:Women:Misses:Outerwear:Coats:Fur
I also observe the following:
1) Ferrets do not make good fur coats (the fur itself isn't suitable,
   whatever the color)
2) That's one UGLY fur coat
3) I don't think it's really ferret fur, certainly doesn't look like any
   group of fuzz-bean's I've ever seen, and pile of the fur looks way
   too deep for ferret
4) Someone's bidding $9 at the time I saw it
5) $9 is WAY too much for a coat that ugly
I have to admit I like the feel of ferret fur... with the ferret still
in the fur.  It's possible the coat was moved to a category where it
belonged, but the identity # is the same as in the FML.  Without quibbling
over the morals of wearing fur or leather at all, I must say anyone
willing to actually wear that thing deserves to look that ugly.  It's
incredible someone would actually pay $9 to cover themselves with so much
Anyway, the item category appears correct now, even if it was misplaced
earlier.  And I think the greatest revenge upon someone who'd actually
buy something that ugly thinking it's ferret fur is for the person to be
caught wearing it and claiming in public it's ferret fur.
[Posted in FML issue 3682]